Sunday, 22 July 2012

I Believe 我相信 ^^

笑一笑,没烦恼!!哈哈哈!!!你好吗梦想天堂?不好意识我好久都没回来这跟你谈谈我的心事了。这几天心情好多了没那麽的伤心了,是梦想天堂的好开始。正所谓木头对火说:“抱我”! 火拥抱了木头`木头微笑着化为灰烬! 火哭了!泪水熄灭了自己……当木头爱上烈火注定会被烧伤,多谢你的绝情,让梦想天堂学会死心。不经一事,不长一智。没亲生了解过,体会过我那会说我是真正的爱过。床名月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡‘’ 梦想天堂有点想家了,思念家中古独的母亲。所谓慈母手中线,游子身上衣。有哪个不孝子会不想母亲的?但为了要出人头地我得到外求高人教导学个知识只为将后青出于蓝,得到江山为前途为梦想奋斗。明日复明日,明日何其多;日日待明白,万事成蹉跎‘’。梦想天堂必须珍惜时间,不让时间白白的浪费白白的流走以及辜负娘的期望。若不为娘也得为自己想一想。一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。时间一但离去梦想天堂就铁棒磨不到成针啊。

              Aik damn funny why the dream paradise suddenly will change version write in mandarin? hahaha dream paradise me want to start a new beginning, a new happy life and try something new here. Actually last time I was afraid to my write mandarin cause my mandarin level is low but today dream paradise think that he suppose to be confident nothing will beat him down if he work hard and smart to solve that problem unless is fate.^^ 

Saturday, 2 June 2012

life meaningless

What is life? Life is about laugh your heart out? Dance in the rain? Cherish the moment you got? Ignore the pain? or life is about success? Life is simple? For Dream paradise he think that life divided into horrible and miracle and now he is living in horrible, living in a place without light without final destination. He can't see in this world, he fell hopeless to this world and he fell lonely in this world. Dream paradise is helpless. He trying to get help to get out of this ugly evil world there have no fixed shape, but dream paradise gain no help and he gain no hope. He shout from family but besides his poor mummy no one else to grab his hands out from this world. So what can he do is running in the world without future to make his poor mummy proud. It so weird where is his dad where is his beloved brother? they lost one by one. As he can said that he was born in a broken family lost both of the one he love. Dream paradise's life is meaningless is empty is hopeless, but dream paradise not useless not superfluous, he will creating the miracle in a horrible evil dark space. He will walk out from the dark and walk to the light. Whatever trouble he meet he solve it, he go through it until he reach the bright; reach the tale of marvelous. Beginning are usually scary, ending usually is sad but its everything between that makes its all worth living. whatever destroy me yesterday make me stronger and happier today. Life is as easy and hard as you think is it. So when something bad happens to you don't be scared, you solve it, you kill it, you walk across it. Dream paradise is the is, he is weird, he is lame, he run into that things, he spill food, he trip, he scream about random and stupid staff but he like it that way.

                                                                                                        Writer: Vincent Chong

Sunday, 20 May 2012

(^o^)IF you love your life, your life will love you always.

Dream paradise if you love your life, your life will love you always and life is the art of drawing, without an eraser, dream paradise don't looking to the past unless its a good view, forget about the past and live in the present with better way cause life is too short to stress yourself with people who don't even deserve to be an issue in your life. Life isn't about finding yourself is about creating yourself. Dream paradise life is not measure by the time you breath in is by the time you breath out so lets make better mistake everyday; heading and realize your dream and if dream paradise couldn't dream yourself is end even you are still alive. When dream paradise dream dream bigger,dream the impossible, seek the unknown and achieve the miracle that people can't. Don't be afraid like a failure be tough and be confidential like a successful scientist bring your own life to the top on the earth. Be jealous by others don't jealous to the others cause everyone have their own special reason to create their own history and become a legend that cannot be defect by each. Dream paradise you most choosing right path to becoming a king, there no  second chance or turning back once you had become a failure. The love of a family is the greatest's love. Families are forever that we need to appreciate, why? A words from chinese always right about family, there always no hate no revenge to families cause this life we are families but not the next life; so no matter how busy you are spending times with family is also important by becoming a king that good in all aspect. Dream paradise need always bring happiness to people surrounding not sadness and worried to them. Love you shouldn't said you love, you need to show it out. As you mention life is short so appreciate the one born you life when dream paradise are still allowed not regret and cry when you have no more chance. Life and love is hard but when we make it simple you get the happiness, you succeeded and you share both to those share love with you. Don't proud by your own, in the same time it may be bring you succeed but you lost by hating people surround by you. 

                                                                                               BY:VINCENT CHONG

Thursday, 10 May 2012

The Regret Dream Paradise

There always some human being will tell us that our life is full of hope and miracle but today I ain't believe and trust this sentences anymore and I am starting hate, regret and look down to my own. There always questions I ask to the world and get the solution by the others but did not try to solve it by the owner of dream paradise. Looking back to the past I fell that I was too selfish and stubborn even keep dreaming in the world made by my own. Now I totally regret to what I did to myself and that ''stranger'', and now only I realize that whatever I did there always gain no benefits to myself and did the stranger care? Dream paradise why you so stupid? why didn't you treat yourself better? why you didn't make you proud of yourself but keep hurting by your own? Today even dream paradise regret is all useless cause he loosing the most important precious dream to himself. What was that? that was getting in badminton court and playing badminton. Seriously now while dream paradise watching his friends playing badminton he fucking regret that he get his own leg injured before he realize his dream. Fucking nice right??? I suppose to cry or I suppose to pull myself from this nightmare??? Dream paradise please stand up trust yourself and once again walk to the badminton court and show to everyone what you got. This is not just an empty promises to your own, you need to make this dream come true. Whatever that you face and happened in the past just let go your hands don't even think of it anymore treat yourself better, show your apologize to your mummy and make her proud. The most important thing is dream paradise need to face this by your own without any help from the others without showing that you are weak, you ain't a person like that and you was strong enough compare to the others. Thank you very much,big head a best friend of mine or as a brother he wake me up that shouldn't continue the fucking dark world in my own,I suppose to walk to the brightness path and get along a new and comfortable life with family members and friends and show to the stranger without her you better without her you are more successful. Wei Hong the other friend that really care about me I am sorry too for my breaking my promise to having badminton games with you but soon I will make my promise come true. A promises from dream paradise he will getting back to the badminton court holding back the green racket and playing badminton games. 

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

dark opaque water

Quite long i didn't write or post anything here. Nothing special today just moody, why? Just like this picture, now i cant cross the bridge in front of me, don't know how deep the dark opaque water is and there no more road for me to go back to the past. I am afraid for trying to cross and i know only cross to the opposite forest  i will getting close to my dream and found my own future. Seriously what should i do? have no idea at all whether i should going Paris to study right after my Diploma or i shouldn't . Now my head full of shit to facing the reality in this world. What i need to do? who else can tell me? Besides that still the same there no reply from the little princess Joee Lao no matter what i try no matter how i try all throwing to the rubbish means useless at all. Sigh disappointing to my own now, nothing i can do, afraid of taking any actions. I LOVE HER and I NEED TO LOVE MYSELF. GOOD LUCK TO ME. HAPPY 2012. VINCENT CHONG please dont escape from all the problem you face,no matter in your family, your mummy, your love, your friends and everything will you face.